Grüne Vliestapete mit Blattmotiv Urban Jungle, Esszimmer mit Tisch

Pure holiday feeling

New Erismann collection “BALI”

Dream destination: BALI. This Indonesian island has many facets. From impressively high active volcanic craters, mile-long dream beaches and graceful temples to new surfing hotspots.

The designs of the BALI wallpaper collection are inspired by the look of these paradise locations. Colours and shapes that invite us to dream and conjure up our next holiday in our own four walls. This is quick and easy to do with a few accessories and the right non-woven wallpaper.

The bold leaf designs conjure up a real holiday feeling on the wall. The ultimate mystical look is created by a modern ornamental pattern, which is reminiscent of Bali’s temples and gives an exotic touch to every living style.


In contrast, the gentle graphic patterns with partial, sophisticated glossy effects have an almost introverted appearance. Waves, stylised flowers or an all-over leaf design in playful pastel nuances emphasise the collection’s varied character.

The extensive colour palette ranges from magical nuances in emerald green and lava to elegant white, fresh jade green or pastel pink. Subtle metallic and shimmering effects create a particularly expressive and modern look.

Until: 2022 | Material: Hot-embossed non-woven wallpapers  | Contents: 31 wallpapers

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